Installation Guide

Install Navicat Monitor on macOS with Homebrew.


You must have a machine with x86-64 CPU and at least 2 GB of memory.

Network card MAC address must be persistent after reboot.

In your OS firewall, you should open port 3000.

Prepare a MySQL, PostgreSQL or MSSQL database.

Install Navicat Monitor

Step 1 - Download the Navicat Monitor repository configuration file:

brew tap navicatgithub/monitor-3

Step 2 - Run the following commands to install Navicat Monitor:

brew install navicatmonitor3; sudo brew services start navicatmonitor3

Step 3 - After the package installation finishes, you can start Navicat Monitor

sudo navicatmonitor start

Step 4 - After the service is started, you can configure the Navicat Monitor thru browser http://your-ip-address:3000

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