Navicat Blog

February 13, 2018 by Robert Gravelle

Available in Non-Essentials editions of Navicat for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MariaDB, and Navicat Premium, the Query Builder is a tool for creating and editing queries visually. In Part 1, we used it to write a query to fetch a list of actors that appeared in movies released during a given year. Part 2 was all about field selection. Today's blog will provide an overview on adding WHERE criteria to a SELECT query using the Navicat Premium Query Builder.

January 30, 2018 by Robert Gravelle

MySQL offers a virtually endless variety of options for dealing with duplicated data. Most can be updated or removed using one statement. However, there are times when multiple commands must be issued to get the job done. Today’s blog will present a solution that employs a temporary table along with a SELECT DISTINCT query.

January 24, 2018 by Robert Gravelle

Available in Non-Essentials editions of Navicat for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MariaDB, and Navicat Premium, the Query Builder allows anyone to create and edit queries with only a cursory knowledge of SQL. In Part 1, we used it to write a query to fetch a list of actors that appeared in movies released during a given year. Today's blog will provide a more detailed overview on selecting output fields.

January 16, 2018 by Robert Gravelle

The majority of duplicate records fall into one of two categories: Duplicate Meaning and Non-unique Keys. The How to Spot and Delete Values with Duplicate Meaning in MySQL blog dealt with Duplicate Meaning; the follow-up addressed how to identify Non-unique Keys. That’s where two records in the same table have the same key, but may or may not have different values and meanings. Today’s blog will cover how to delete rows with duplicated data, but with different keys.

January 9, 2018 by Robert Gravelle

Unlike synchronization, which is a one-time process that brings the schema and data of two databases in sync, replication is a process that continuously (automatically) reproduces data between two databases (although schema updates are also possible). Replication may either be done asynchronously, so that a permanent connection between the two databases is not required, or during non-peak hours, when there is little traffic on the database server, for instance, during the late-night hours.

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