Navicat Blog

Measuring Query Execution Time in Relational Databases Dec 15, 2023 by Robert Gravelle

In the realm of database optimization, understanding and monitoring query execution time is crucial. Whether you're a database administrator, developer, or involved in performance tuning, knowing how to measure the time a query takes to execute can provide valuable insights into the efficiency of your database operations. In this article, we'll explore various techniques for measuring query execution time in popular relational databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Microsoft SQL Server.

Choosing Between Redis and a Traditional Relational Database Dec 8, 2023 by Robert Gravelle

When it comes to selecting the right database for your application, the decision often boils down to the specific requirements of your project. Redis, a high-performance in-memory data store, and traditional relational databases such as MySQL, each offer their own strengths and weaknesses. In this guide, we will explore various factors to consider when deciding between Redis and a traditional relational database. For the sake of simplicity, we'll use MySQL as our traditional relational database. Should you decide to go that route, you may want to look at other relational database products such as SQL Server and Oracle.

Formatting Dates and Times in Navicat Dec 1, 2023 by Robert Gravelle

One of the most common questions Navicat Support receives from users is how to format dates and times in both Grid and form View. It's actually quite simple! In today's blog, we'll go over the steps to change date and time formats globally in Navicat Premium.

Understanding Navicat Connection Profiles Nov 24, 2023 by Robert Gravelle

Navicat 16 came loaded with numerous improvements and features to address both database developers' and administrators' needs. With over 100 enhancements and a brand new interface, there are more ways than ever to build, manage, and maintain your databases. One of the many improvements aimed at maximizing productivity is the ability to configure multiple connection profiles. This feature is ideal for out-of-office users who may need to switch between settings based on their location or for streamlining database access. Today's blog will outline the process of creating a new connection profile and how to switch between profiles.

Some Essential Redis Commands Nov 17, 2023 by Robert Gravelle

Redis, the blazing-fast, in-memory data structure store, is revered for its prowess in handling key-value pairs. However, its utility extends far beyond basic key operations. In this article, we'll explore some of the most indispensable Redis commands (other than those which involve keys, since we've covered those proviously), unlocking the true potential of this powerful tool. We'll also see how to communicate directly with Redis from Navicat!

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